Dust extraction tables
Dust extraction tables
PRIME BLOW grinding table
They come in sizes:1500x1000, 2000x1000, 2500x1000
Models:PRIME-BLOW 1500, PRIME-BLOW 2000, PRIME-BLOW 2500
PRIME grinding table
They come in sizes:1500x1000, 2000x1000, 2500x1000
Models:PRIME 1500, PRIME 2000, PRIME 2500
SIMPLE Grinding Table
They come in sizes:1500x1000, 2000x1000, 2500x1000
Models: SIMPLE 1500, SIMPLE 2000, SIMPLE 2500
About the tables
VENTEX Dust extraction tables are used to extract dust-contaminated air. They are used in carpentry shops, as well as other places where processing of wood, composites and more is carried out. Our equipment effectively removes dry contaminants and guarantees the right conditions during carpentry, painting, etc. We offer tables with an internal extraction system and grinding tables for plugging into a central extraction system.
are equipped with a high-efficiency centrifugal fan and a compressed air filtration system to ensure high and consistent performance. The body is made of galvanized or stainless steel, which translates into a long service life. The work surface with suction holes is equipped with plastic panels to prevent scratching the workpiece, dust is collected in pull-out drawers. The devices have an easy-to-use control panel.
are tables that need to be connected to a central extraction system. The body is made of powder-coated galvanized sheet metal, which translates into a long service life. Plywood work surface with suction holes in the additional option rubber overlay on the table top or plastic panels to prevent scratching the workpiece, dust is collected in pull-out drawers
Dust extraction tables
For each product and services performed by VENTEX Systems there is a 24-month warranty , which is processed in 24 hours. Restoration to full capacity within 72 hours of time. All complaints are processed fairly on the basis of documented photos.
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